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Watt’s Happening?
Stay up to date with what’s happening in the world of electrical and security services, from new technology to the latest surveillance methods or the best CCTV camera to use. Whether you’re considering a home security system in Auckland or struggling to choose the best electrical contractor in Pukekohe, this is the place to hang out, because we have all that relevant info as well as some juicy tips. We’re amped to reignite your spark with our compelling and informative blogs and updates.
Stay on-trend, stay compliant
If you are renovating your house or building a new home, you will need electrical work, such as wiring, lighting fixtures and connection of appliances. This can all be very daunting and you might be wondering how to make the right choice and how to stay within your budget. Well, this is the right place to seek all this information. Browse our articles below to see the latest changes and announcements regarding legislation relating to electrical work or system installations to make sure you are always well within the law.